Announcing our new bbq soap!!

By combining a little BBQ magic and Goat’s Milk, we have developed not one, but two BBQ Soaps!

You may ask, why?

We say…why the heck not? My two favorite smells are represented in my two new BBQ Soaps.

  1. Smoky Bacon Soap: A subtly bacon scented soap, that smells as good as it feels

  2. Hickory Smoked Soap: Smells like you’re bathing in an old school BBQ pit In a good way!). Once rinsed off, you’re just left with a clean, refreshing shower

Both are made using an all natural Goat Milk and coconut oil soap base with natural colors. The soap lathers great and rinses great, no matter which one of these (or one of our other soap selections), you choose, it will quickly become one of your favorites.

If your feeling adventurous, give one or both a try!


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